
女性に福音!、コーヒーが? To a woman the Gospel coffee? endometrial_cancer_welfare_uterine cdncer

コーヒー3杯で子宮体がん予防 It is the endometrial cancer prevention with three cups of coffee
9月1日15時35分配信 産経新聞





Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare study squad (chief researcher / Shoichiro Tsugane National Cancer Center prevention study director) announced the epidemiology findings that about 60% degree of risk that it was it for competition, endometrial cancer to the woman that the woman who drank coffee more than three cups on 1st hardly drank was low on 1st.

 It is said that a person of corpulence and the diabetes, the active person of the work of the female sex hormone are easy to suffer from the endometrial cancer. I tell you that the researcher at Taichi Shimazu National Cancer Center of the study squad "may lower the degree of risk by coffee lowers blood sugar level, and coordinating the work of the female sex hormone".

 I am the longest, and, as for the investigation, Iwate, Osaka chase about 54,000 women of 40-69 years old of nine prefectures for 15 years from 1990. 117 people were diagnosed as endometrial cancer during this period.

 I divided it into four groups by hearing, quantity about a custom to drink coffee at the time of an investigation start and examined connection. When frequency to drink compares it with a group to be equal to or less than 2nd in a week; with a person drinking one or two cups every day with about 40%, a person drinking it more than three cups every day of about 60%, the onset was low-risk.

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